Spotswood council approves resolution for infrastructure improvements

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution to finance various roadway and utility improvements within the Cottage Streets Area.

The borough has determined a need for sanitary sewer main repairs, the installation of a stormwater management system and full depth pavement restoration, according to the council agenda.

The council approved the resolution authorizing that the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank – formerly known as the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust – would temporarily finance the $2.59 million project. The action was approved during the Oct. 1 council meeting.

“No down payment is required as long as the project is fully funded by the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank,” Borough Administrator Dawn McDonald said.

McDonald said the borough’s distribution system within the Cottage Streets Area, installation of which dates to 1937, has experienced numerous main breaks over the years. Main breaks represent a structural failure of the pipe due to excessive loads, undermining of pipe bedding, contact with other structures, corrosion, pressure surges or a combination of these conditions, she said.

“The improvements to the water distribution system will include the installation of approximately 4,000 linear feet (LF) of eight-inch C.L.D.I.P. water main to replace the borough’s existing, unlined four-inch and six-inch cast iron distribution mains, including valves, fire hydrant assemblies and residential service connections from the water main to the curb stop,” McDonald said. “The sanitary sewer collection system improvements will include video inspection and cleaning of the existing mains, spot repairs, manhole replacements and sanitary sewer service connections.”

McDonald said following the improvements to the water and sanitary sewer system, roadway improvements will allow for the installation of approximately 4,000 LF of RCP pipe, 7,750 LF of concrete curb and full reconstruction of the roadways in the project area.

“Once the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection gives permission to bid, then the borough can authorize the borough engineer to go out to bid for this project,” McDonald said.

In other news, the council also approved a resolution to finance the cleaning, cement lining and replacement of water mains along various streets within the Cottage Streets Area, including Brookwood Road, Landvale Road, Woodland Road, Brookside Road and Red Bank Road.

The $1.4 million project will be temporarily financed through the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank’s Environmental Infrastructure Financing Program, according to the council agenda.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].