Three seats open on Milltown school board; two residents in race

MILLTOWN — There are three three-year terms open on the Milltown Public Schools Board of Education, but only two residents are running in the Nov. 6 election. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Incumbent William Petscavage and newcomer Janice Hodgson filed nominating petitions to run for seats. There is no candidate for the third open seat, which could be won by an individual who receives write-in votes.

Janice Hodgson, 64, who is a 42-year resident of the borough, is married with two adult sons and four young grandchildren.

“I have been interested in running for a seat on the school board for several years and now I have the time to make this commitment,” she said. “Additionally, having grandchildren in several school districts in and out of New Jersey, I am very interested in the quality of education children are currently receiving and that future teachings are relevant to the continuing changes in our world. I am also interested in helping to make a full-day kindergarten class become a reality.”

If elected, Hodgson said her strengths will become apparent as she gains experience on the board.

Hodgson is a retired administrative assistant. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University. In the community, Hodgson said she stays up-to-date with school and town agendas online or by attending meetings.

“When my sons attended school in Milltown, I was an active (PTA) member, a library volunteer and homeroom mother,” she said.

Petscavage could not be reached by press time.