Building on their successful inaugural comedy show in October, the producing team of Randi Lupo and Patrick Mirucki will dedicate their November and December shows to local children.
The producers will be accepting unwrapped toys at their next two monthly shows and the toys will be distributed to needy children from the area. In conjunction with Center Playhouse, 35 South St., Freehold, toys will be accepted on Nov. 8 and Dec. 13.
The Nov. 8 show will feature headliner Natalie K. Levant. Using whatever language she needs to get her point across with one-liners and stories about subjects including her family and aging in general, Levant always leaves the audience laughing and wanting more, according to a press release.
Levant has won several comedy competitions, including Comic Cure and March Madness. For more information, visit
Scott Brennan will also perform on Nov. 8. Brennan is an energetic stand-up comic who often discusses family, work, divorce and his unwavering love for his dog. He performs regularly throughout New York and New Jersey, according to the press release.
Doors on Nov. 8 will open at 7 p.m. and the show begins at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available
through or by calling 800-838-3006. For more information, visit