Ferro, Dothard seek one-year term on Millstone governing body

MILLSTONE – Republican Al Ferro and Democrat Ray Dothard are seeking a one-year term on the Township Committee in Millstone Township in the Nov. 6 election.

Ferro was appointed to an open seat on the committee during the summer and he and Dothard are seeking to serve the final year (2019) of that term.

Dothard has lived in Millstone for more than 27 years. A graduate of Tuskegee University with a degree in chemistry, he worked in aviation and is a retired commercial airline captain and FAA Safety Inspector.

Dothard served as a fighter pilot with the U.S. Air Force and New Jersey Air National Guard with 138 combat missions in the Vietnam War. He currently serves as the chairman of the Millstone Township Veterans’ Memorial Council.

“I love living in the township,” Dothard said. “When I moved here, it was a growing town. Growth is now stagnant. One of my biggest fears is losing our middle school we built as a result of that growth. Most of the present Township Committee members came after me and were part of that growth. Now they seem to think a reasonable amount of growth is bad and will increase your tax. They have stated the same propaganda each year.

“I am for keeping taxes as low as anyone else on the committee,” he continued. “I will look for ways to increase revenue other than just property tax. Take note of all the commercial development just outside the border of the township and all we get is the traffic through the township to those businesses. We must also go (out of town) to spend our money. Does this make our committee smarter than everyone else?”

If elected, Dothard said he will focus on transparency, the township’s power grid, the budget and recreational facilities in Millstone.

“I will work for more transparency, improvement in the power grid to prevent long blackouts during natural disasters and a better understanding of our budget and how our tax money is spent,” he said. “We also need to better maintain our recreational facilities.

“I will be eyes and ears in the township,” Dothard said. “I will not wait for residents to come to us with problems. I will always be on the lookout myself. If elected, this is what I think it means to serve and I would be honored to serve our residents.”

Ferro was appointed to the Township Committee this year. He has lived in Millstone for 18 years. He also serves on the Planning Board as a liaison and previously served on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

“I love the rural character, beauty and calm that Millstone has and provides,” Ferro said. “I want to keep our township pristine and beautiful for the future. This is my primary goal. I have the best interests of our township in mind and put Millstone first.

“I bring a fresh look to steer the township in the right direction. I will try to resolve issues, make informed decisions and take the best approach. I am constantly strengthening my relationships with county and state legislators, allowing Millstone to have a greater voice.”

For more than 20 years, Ferro has worked as a law enforcement officer in New York.

“My professional career has given me extensive experience in formulating plans and policy, and implementing department-wide initiatives,” he said. “Presently, I design, implement and support computer networks with an emphasis on data security. My experience in law enforcement and computers give me great knowledge I can bring to Millstone.”

If elected, Ferro said he will find ways to improve the quality of life in the township.

“Millstone is a gem in New Jersey,” he said. “My initiative is to preserve Millstone to find ways to improve our quality of life. This will be achieved by sticking to our master plan. I sat on the Planning Board (and) contributed to updating the master plan and I believe it has the best interests of us all.

“We need to adhere to its direction by understanding its contents and thereby, it will protect Millstone. I would like to see Millstone continue identifying open space and farms and aggressively preserving them,” he said.

Ferro said he would look to formulate a plan to address issues affecting township roads and infrastructure, such as existing parks, and find ways to streamline expenditures without losing or reducing services if possible to keep the tax rate flat as costs to maintain Millstone increase.

“I am excited to be able to serve the residents of Millstone in a capacity that will allow me to continue its vision,” he said. “By providing and receiving information, I will try to make the best decisions that benefit our township.”