Matawan GOP leader claims slogan on town vehicle may be election violation

MATAWAN — Paul Buccellato, who chairs the Matawan Republican Organization, said he has filed an election violation complaint and is claiming a vehicle owned by the borough has a slogan on it that is similar to a slogan being used by local Democrats seeking office.

Buccellato said he filed a complaint with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) on Oct. 19.

He alleges that the placement of what he maintains is a campaign slogan on a borough vehicle – a new street sweeper – is a violation of election laws, including the cost to the borough and displaying the vehicle at a community event on Oct. 13.

Democratic Borough Council members Nicolas Reeve and David Vergaretti will face Republicans Frank Whalen and Anissa Esposito on Election Day, Nov. 6. Two seats on the council will be on the ballot.

Buccellato said the Matawan Democratic Party adopted the slogan “Restore Matawan” in 2015. He said the street sweeper is covered with a photograph of Lake Lefferts and the words “Restoring Matawan” and he said that is a play on “Restore Matawan.” He said the Democrats’ 2018 campaign flier uses the phrase “Restore Matawan.”

“The purchase of the street sweeper has nothing to do with the complaint. The wrapping which displays the phrase ‘Restoring Matawan’ is the basis of the complaint,” Buccellato said. “The phrase is used on their current literature and is a play on ‘Restore Matawan.’ The dictionary makes no difference between ‘restore’ and ‘restoring.’ ”

Buccellato said ELEC will investigate the complaint, but he did not know the status of the complaint at this time.

Mayor Joseph Altomonte, who is a Democrat, said the complaint does not have any merit.

“No. 1, I didn’t know (Buccellato) was an encyclopedia, but anyway he is desperate. I think he sees a failing campaign and he is trying to shoot at anything he can,” Altomonte said. “He should be worried about how to improve Matawan and fix Matawan, which he never did for eight years-plus being on the council.

“You would think (he) would be more interested [in the street sweeper] doing a good job and cleaning the streets, which is something he never did. … He is just desperate for anything he can get,” the mayor said.