Red Bank council eliminates position in move to consolidate operations

Municipal officials in Red Bank have abolished the position of manager of human resources upon the recommendation of a consulting firm.

The Borough Council’s vote to eliminate the manager of human resources position came two weeks after Business Administrator Ziad Shehady was accused of harassment by Eva Biviano, who held the position for seven years before she was fired by Shehady on Oct. 15.

Biviano’s firing from her position of manager of human resources came on the first business day after she filed an Oct. 12 complaint in which she asserted that Shehady had committed a “pattern of aberrant and abusive behavior” toward herself and others. She said the instances of harassment began in late May or early June.

On Oct. 24, council members voted unanimously to eliminate the manager of human resources position and to consolidate the job’s duties among existing departments.

Mayor Pasquale Menna said Shehady and members of the Finance Committee will take on the duties Biviano performed in her position.  

Biviano’s brother and attorney, Lane Biviano, said the “unjust” termination was an act of retaliation after his sister reported several instances of harassment prior to being fired.

“You complain and then you lose your job,” Lane Biviano said. “Litigation will be next.”

In the complaint, Eva Biviano alleged Shehady committed ongoing verbal abuse and instances of inappropriate commentary.

“Who gets rid of their personnel manager?” Lane Biviano said. “This is the textbook definition for discrimination against harassment.”

Lane Biviano said his sister confided in council President Edward Zipprich. He said Zipprich did not take action on the matter, at Eva’s request.

“(Zipprich) used to deal with personnel, so (Eva) would talk to him from time to time,” Lane Biviano said.

According to the council, a review of Red Bank’s municipal services was conducted by Government Strategy Group in the spring. The firm recommended “a multi-pronged consolidation and reorganization of the borough’s governmental services.”

The recommendation made by Government Strategy Group came after a management enhancement review of borough operations was undertaken to improve the efficiency of services, according to a resolution passed by the council.

According to the management enhancement review, suggestions were made to “reorganize departments and offices in a way that improves clear lines of communication, responsibility, and accountability.”

The consultant wrote, “When we began this assignment, the borough could not provide a standard table of organization detailing lines of reporting and responsibility. Now there is an opportunity to do this, and to do it right.

“Presently, the borough has departments that range in size from one person to 40-plus people. Several ‘departments’ consist of one, two or three people.

“According to our analysis, it is possible to eliminate over time at least 12 full-time equivalent positions throughout the borough. Additionally, consolidation can provide benefits in terms of staff coverage and cross-training,” the consultant said.

The review suggests the consolidation of payroll, human resources and information technology services.

Menna said others positions at Borough Hall will be eliminated, but he did not disclose which positions could be terminated at the recommendation of Government Strategy Group.

“You don’t harass someone and say, ‘Oh, your job is going to be eliminated anyway,’ ” Lane Biviano said.

Biviano said a lawsuit will follow Eva Biviano’s termination. He said his sister was unaware her position could be eliminated at the recommendation of the consulting firm.

Government Strategy Group recruited Shehady for the position of borough administrator and he was hired by Red Bank officials in May 2018.

On Oct. 24, Shehady denied the allegations Eva Biviano has made against him.