Republicans Hibell, Perry, Snell running to continue service to Middletown

MIDDLETOWN – Republicans Tony Perry, Patricia Snell and Rick Hibell are three of six candidates who seek the election to the Middletown Township Committee in the Nov. 6 election.

Republicans hold a 5-0 majority on the governing body.

Perry is seeking a full three-year term, Snell is seeking a two-year unexpired term and Hibell is seeking a one-year unexpired term. Snell, Hibell, and Perry currently serve on the committee.

The Democratic candidates are Tricia Maguire, Sean Brynes and Danielle Walsh. They are profiled in a separate article.

Asked what accomplishments he could cite from his current term, Hibell said, “Although I have been on the committee for just eight months, this team has been able to accomplish more than many of our neighboring municipalities. For the second year in a row, we have been able to maintain our zero tax increase.

“Property taxes are of the utmost importance and this team has proven our ability to keep Middletown affordable while maintaining our great quality of life. Additionally, we have invested a great deal into our emergency services, including two state-of-the-art fire trucks and we have provided new and updated safety equipment to our 11 fire companies.

“Our children are our future and my hope is to keep Middletown as safe and as affordable as possible for future generations to come,” he said.

In a new term, Hibell said, “My first priority will always be keeping Middletown affordable and keeping taxes low. One way we have done that and will continue to do that is by evolving our shared service agreements with other municipalities and within the county.

“The services we offer to our residents are second to none and we are confident we can uphold that level of service with new partnerships and shared service agreements. Also,  we are planning upgrades to a number of our parks and recreational facilities so children from across Middletown are able to enjoy them.

“We are so fortunate to have great local and county parks across Middletown and with smart financial plans in place, we can afford to maintain them,” he said.

Hibell, the owner of a marine construction company, is a life member of the Middletown Township Fire Department. He previously served on the Planning Board.

Asked what accomplishments he could cite from his current term, Perry said, “I am incredibly proud of the work the committee has done in the 11 months I have served as a committeeman. I’m very proud of the zero percent budget increase we passed in June, all while being able to increase the services we provide.

“Residents deserve and expect fiscal discipline and this committee has been able to provide that for the last two consecutive years. I’m also very proud to have spearheaded our ‘Made in Middletown’ campaign which spotlights small businesses across town.
“Our small businesses should have the ability to quickly connect with a member of the committee for questions or assistance if necessary, they are an integral part of our community and it is paramount that we support their efforts. I look forward to building on all the work and progress we have made,” he said.
In a new term, Perry said, “My primary goal for 2019 is to ensure Middletown’s affordability by once again keeping our budgets in line. We have a responsibility to our residents to keep Middletown one of the best and safest towns in America while always making sure every decision is weighed by the impact it has on the taxpayer. Keeping Middletown affordable will always be my top priority.”
Perry, the director of government affairs at the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey, has served as chief of staff to state Sen. Joe Kyrillos. He has also served on the Planning Board.

Asked what accomplishments she could cite from her current term, Snell said, “One accomplishment I am very proud of is the creation of our Community Assistance Network. While still in the early stages, we will provide a centralized resource for residents in need of services.

“This program will also be of great support to our seniors, lending them a helping hand. We have also negotiated a number of shared services which ultimately save taxpayer dollars. A couple of projects we are working on right now will add much needed fields for our town athletes to play on.
“I am running to continue my tenure on the committee for a very basic reason, it is time to give back. Middletown has given me a wonderful life and now that my children have decided to raise my grandchildren here, I want to ensure they can stay right here in Middletown, making our roots that much deeper,” she said.
In a new term, Snell said, “Goals are clear, keep taxes in check while keeping Middletown’s integrity. As a real estate agent, I see the effect taxes have on home affordability every day, whether buying, selling or just looking to stay where you grew up.
“Growing our new Community Assistance Network is also very high on my list. Having this resource will aid many residents and hopefully highlight Middletown throughout Monmouth County and the state as not only the safest, but most caring place to live.
“We are so lucky to have such a rich history here in Middletown. I would like to work with the Monmouth County Historical Society to preserve our history by partnering with them to highlight sites throughout town,” she said.

Snell, a broker/sales associate at Heritage House Sotheby’s International Realty, has lived in Middletown for more than 35 years. In 1986, Snell and her husband opened Jersey Mike’s on the corner of New Monmouth Road and Route 35. She is a former member of the Planning Board.