Synagogue holds vigil for shooting victims, hosts rabbis from the area

None of the 80 or so people who nearly filled the sanctuary at Adath Israel Congregation had planned to be at the synagogue in Lawrence Township Sunday night.

But that was before a man armed with a rifle and several handguns walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue and killed 11 Jewish people who had gathered for worship services Saturday morning.

In a show of solidarity and support, the attendees gathered to remember those victims in a community vigil sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks and the Board of Rabbis.

The vigil drew rabbis from neighboring towns and congregations – Rabbi Jay Kornsgold of Beth-El Synagogue in East Windsor Township, Rabbi Eric Wisnia of Congregation Beth Chaim in West Windsor Township and Rabbi Stuart Pollack of Har Sinai Temple in Hopewell Township.

Rabbi Benjamin Adler of Adath Israel Congregation told the attendees that the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh was the worst act of anti-Semitism in American history, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

While the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue was “shocking and horrifying,” it should not come as a surprise because of the level of hatred, Rabbi Adler said. “We have seen what hate can do.”

Rabbi Adler related the story of two of the victims – brothers Cecil and David Rosenthal. Both men had intellectual disabilities, but took part in the Tree of Life Synagogue and attended religious services on a regular basis.

“They looked out for one another. They were kind and good people. The loss of these two men is what hate has brought. We have to find a way to stand up against hate and anti-Semitism,” Rabbi Adler said.

Donald Leibowitz, the president of The Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks, said there was little that he could add to the statement of grief, but he was grateful for the show of solidarity.

Hatred will not go away overnight, Leibowitz said.

Rabbi Pollack of Har Sinai Temple said Pittsburgh is a familiar city to him because it is his wife’s hometown. Squirrel Hill is one of the historic Jewish communities in the United States and a place where all of the synagogues co-exist, he said.

That’s why Saturday morning’s shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue was so surreal, Rabbi Pollack said. But “faith will see us through,” he said, urging attendees to strive to perform acts of living kindness as a bulwark against such “despicable” acts of violence.

Rabbi Wisnia of Congregation Beth Chaim in West Windsor Township said that while World War I, which ended 100 years ago, was supposed to be the war to end all wars. There would be no more hatred and the world would begin anew.

Instead, it ushered in 100 years’ worth of more mass murder and horror, Rabbi Wisnia said. People feel comfortable hating and criticizing people they don’t agree with. “They think, ‘You are crazy and I have to kill you,’” he said.

“How much hatred is spewing out of the mouths of our leaders? We need leaders with love, compassion and empathy. Let us stand for love and teach tolerance,” Rabbi Wisnia said.

Rabbi Kornsgold of Beth-El Synagogue acknowledged that “we live in a time when we know that anti-Semitism and hatred are on the rise. What do we do? Where do we go from here?”

Rabbi Kornsgold said he was tired of listening to politicians offer thoughts and prayers after each act of violence. Now it is time to see action and results, such as passing laws that keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people, he said.

There is an opportunity to make change on Nov. 6, Rabbi Kornsgold said, urging attendees to vote for the political candidate who best represents their values.

And to the haters, Rabbi Kornsgold said the Jews will outlive them. That’s because the Jews believe in hope. They will be here “forever,” he said.

“May the Jewish people continue to live and prosper and make our world a better place for all God’s children,” Rabbi Kornsgold said.