Alternative Options in Home Redecoration

Redecorating a home could mean reinventing your lifestyle. It could also mean changing you and your home to a new brand, from rustic and traditional to contemporary and modern. Whichever the case, you might have gone through volumes and volumes of magazines to find the right aesthetic to fit your home. If that’s the case, then you might’ve burnt your eyes out from looking at the same designs and suggestions over and over again. If you’re looking to get a fresh take on redesigning your house, these few items can help put some spark into your design in the works.
Dealing with paving
It’s silly to think that house renovations start and stop indoors. The exterior of a house also bringsa significant aspect to its general tone and aesthetic. You could try to spice things up with having landscaping in your front lawn. Hedge sculptures are a thing of luxury, but you can opt to have a zen garden with miniatures to accentuate your home’s natural and green vibe. Paving material is essential in matching your exterior’s design. Whether you want to use concrete for a contemporary aesthetic or the more practical tiles and resin paving, it’s all about matching the outside with the inside.
Alternative flooring options
Similar to outdoor paving, you should try matching the aesthetic of the home with the flooring. Tiles and marble patterns often go hand in hand if you’re talking about kitchen spaces or bathroom areas. Living rooms and bedroom areas are often installed with soft carpet but be cautious about house parties and having drinks spilt on them, they’ll be a pain to clean. Imitation flooring is a great way to save on expenses and in experimenting with your house’s colours. A smart way to gauge the colour choice you’ll be getting is having one to two shades darker than your furniture for your wall’s paint. Vinyl flooring can be easily removed and reinstalled if ever your first choice isn’t the best fit.
Including house extensions
You might be looking at your budget and thinking to yourself that you can’t afford to do an extension. With the cost of materials and the labour cost alone, you’d be getting a headache with how much you’ll be spending. Structural insulated panels or SIPs could solve your dilemma in more ways than one.
The main benefit of SIPs is that they are versatile materials that are made in precise measurements and made to be used for walls, floors, and roofs. Great for constructing quiet, airtight areas, and insulated rooms, the panels are made of durable material which can get rid of roof trusses which can be used for extra living space or storage space to function as an attic. The best part is that ordering SIP panels is already half of the work done. Once the measurements and the specifications are given, you can have them installed in half the time it would take for the traditional use of timber.