Ryan Wiik an Entertainment Entrepreneur and Asks The Entertainment World If they Think Do artists have power?


Ryan Wiik, the entrepreneur who created the succesful WR Entertainment start-up, speaks about the power of artist and about doing business as a form of art.

R: You founded a 100-million-dollar business, but you were also interested in acting. Do you see yourself being more of an entrepreneur, or an actor?

RW: I am an entrepreneur, because I am a man of ideas. I get inspired by people, and by relating to them. It is who I am! I am good at making things happen and eager to create, to build! But society needs a hook to hang you on to. As to understand who you are, you need to wear a labeled „hat”.

R: Are you implying that in today’s world, you cannot be an entrepreneur and also an actor?

RW: No, of course you can! Let’s face it, everybody can be whatever they feel, need, desire to be – given enough time, passion and effort! But first, you have to build up a reputation. You need an established „name” as a performer, and then the doors just open up for you. We see a lot of actors, musicians and TV presenters, that are also very capable entrepreneurs, running successful businesses. But usually, entrepreneurs, bankers and talents alike, have a really hard time imagining that you can be a good actor and also successfully navigate your business.

R: So, by conducting a million dollar business, and also acting, you wanted to defy the way things work?

RW: No, not defying – that was not my purpose – but to express myself in a creative manner, and also offering an eligible model of being free. I wanted to be an actor, because I felt like expressing in an artistic way. I chose the characters I wanted to portray on screen, pretty much like all known and established actors, do – based on what I felt. And like every known actor, I developed the means to ensure the work turned out successfully.

R: And this is where your entrepreneurial side came in?

RW: Of course. Through the process of unleashing my creative potential, I further developed my entrepreneurial side. I already had my grandfather as a businessman model, and everything I learned from him. I also learned from my trusted partners, and I came to be more and more immersed into the business world.

R: So, you’re saying that the artist and entrepreneur sides, are complementary?

RW: Indeed, they are! You see, as an entrepreneur you make things possible, you meet people, find investors, you open the doors that lead you to having a chance of building some amazing possibilities! Actually, you are a creator!

R: Where you more motivated of being an actor or an entrepreneur?

RW: None, really! I was motivated to bring new and valuable possibilities to life! So, I came to love the business world – as it presented more means to create the vision within. And the more time I spent in the entertainment industry, the more I found that it was room for improvement and innovation. So, I felt like my true meaning was facilitating that!

R: That, essentially, is empowering the artists, isn’t it?

RW: Yes, that would be the main point. I believe that Hollywood is too much of a business world, based on friendships and relationships, rather than valuing art itself. There are a lot of artists that have wonderful ideas, skills and visions. And they are simply, not able to express them, and to follow their dreams!

R: Do you think that many works of art, were lost along the way, because they were not allowed to bring them to life?

RW: Yes, sadly! It’s the case of many movies, that didn’t have the opportunity to come out. It is why director Alejandro Jodorowsky, whasn’t able to bring his vision of „Dune” to life, back in the 1970’s. Though, we can see all his work, brought up in other movies, starting with the „Star Wars” and „Alien” franchises. But at that time, Hollywood was to afraid of his vision!

R: Is this why you left WR? Did it have too much to do with the Hollywood world?

RW: Yes, I needed time and freedom, to create something new, that would truly benefit the genuine expression of artists and their art!