Jersey City vs NYC – where should you live

People are constantly moving from Jersey City to NYC and the other way around. There is such a big difference between these two places. And in many people’s opinion – you can’t really compare the two. However, we will try our best in order to help you to find a place to call home.
Choosing your final destination, at least for the time being, can be a lot harder than it seems. New York City and Jersey City are so close geographically, but it seems like they are so far away, like two separate worlds. And for many reasons. Here is what separates them beside Hudson river.

The cost of living

Yes. We know you have heard about this before. But, the cost of living is something that always matters and it never really gets old. It is just the way things are, and there is no way around it. Manhattan, for example, is one of the most expensive parts of the world to live in. And not only because rent prices are high. No. There are so many factors that, when combined, make this area almost unbearable – at least, to most of us. Living in NYC on a budget is somewhat of a fairytale. Rents are high and so are the other costs of living – taxi, food, utilities and other bills. Almost everything is more expensive than in any other part of the world. But, if you decide to move to NYC either way – you can still make it. You will just need to make a few changes in your everyday lifestyle. Living on a budget is your new black. And you can start by trying to get your moving cost estimate. Because preparing your finances in advance is a must from now on.

Luxury vs. actually enjoying life

If you asked someone honest and from New York, they would always tell you that they’d like to move to Jersey City. Because almost all New Yorkers understand the difference. And especially the difference in the quality of life they would have in Jersey City. On the other hand, most people from Jersey City would move to NYC in the blink of an eye. They really would. Because living in NYC means living in one of the best cities in the world. However, we must ask ourselves one thing – what matters more? Thinking you are living a luxurious lifestyle or actually doing it? We always vote for the second option, but just like with everything else in your life – you have to make this decision on your own.

Jersey City is not what it used to be

If you haven’t visited Jersey City in the recent years, you haven’t yet realized how much this city has changed. Quick development, modernization, urbanization and many people coming to Jersey City for good have made this area so much more than what it used to be. It grew before our eyes without us even realizing. Jersey City is now diverse, trendy and even more importantly – it has a lot to offer. At an affordable rate. And if you are looking for something only great NYC can offer – you are only a few minutes ride away.


Yes. Living in one of the best and most famous cities in the world is not only a pleasure, it is a kind of honor. On the other hand, it can be a great sacrifice. And if you are asking yourself where you should live, you already know it. There is no doubt that NYC is something many people are dreaming about. However, sometimes it is better to leave things the way they already are. Living in a city such as NYC comes with great opportunities, but it all comes at a cost. And yes, you can become a billionaire overnight and make it. But, before you do – we advise you to consider all your options before making any final calls.

How to move?

Moving is a process we are all well aware of. On the other hand, when our moving day comes – not many of us know what to do. Relocations are confusing and complex, and more than you think. That is why you need to find a professional moving and storage company that can help you every step of the way. A company such as Dumbo Moving and Storage NYC. Reliable and trustworthy.


Let’s start by saying this: it will take some time. And you should start as early as possible. Preferably – as soon as you decide where you should live. Or, hire professional packers that can help you with this task. It will not only take stress out of the equation, it will also speed up this whole process. It doesn’t matter if you are moving from Jersey City to NYC or the other way around – moving is a process not many of us really enjoy. So, if you find a reliable mover that is ready and happy to help you relocate – give it a go and move as soon as possible.

Remember to breathe

Even if it seems that NYC and Jersey City belong on different planets, they aren’t so far apart from each other. And your relocation won’t be as stressful as it can be because it is almost a local one. On the other hand – you might start feeling anxiety kicking in. And that is when you should take a break and breathe. Enjoy the fresh air and your new beginning. Because that is what everything is about!
Jersey City vs. NYC is like a battle that never ends. But you should make sure to pick the right place for yourself, a place that will satisfy your specific needs. Because you don’t only need it – you deserve it!