Should boys and girls have separate classrooms?

While same-sex schools have already made its way into the private sector, public institutions just start turning to it. Schools promoting this kind of education teach different genders in isolation from one another. Since there are both mix-gender schools and same-sex ones available for all pupils, all parents can decide on their own what kind of institutions to choose for their kids.
There are many critics as well as supporters of the same-sex movement. That is why it is of a great importance to get to the point of what pros and cons it offers. This will help us to understand whether all pupils should teach in the same classrooms or even schools or in the separate ones. Along with the academic issues, this outstanding question also triggers political, civil right, and other issues. As the arguments are heating up, all aspects of the problem are getting unveiled.
What Supporters Say
They believe that same-sex institutions are especially beneficial for male pupils. In comparison to females, boys have lower grade point averages, more reading difficulties, and are less likely to continue their education after high school. Because of that introducing same-sex education is a reasoned decision in their view.
In boys’ schools, educators often use microphones to adjust their voice so that they can draw male students’ attention better. Moreover, before a quiz, teachers allow boys running rampant to throw out their energy so that they can concentrate on the upcoming assignment better. Meanwhile, for girls, teachers create calming exercises such as yoga or listening to music to help them to focus their mind on something more effective.
One more advantage the same-sex schools have in the eyes of many supporters is that they can dismantle existing stereotypes. For instance, girls don’t have to vie with male pupils in such subjects as physics and mathematics while the latter can do well in music or literature easily. However, many critics have a different view of this idea.
What Critics Say
Many critics suggest that mixed-gender institutions are more effective than their contrary versions. They claim that very few academics use sex-specific teaching methods while more competent ones realize the sex differences and can easily adjust themselves to various mental abilities.
All pupils should be taught together for a practical reason, no matter the gender. Sooner or later, all of them will have to get a job and probably they will have to collaborate with each other. If they didn’t get a chance to cooperate with the other sex in childhood, it is much harder for them to adapt to different thinking patterns in adulthood. Therefore, they may feel confused working together as they didn’t have any chance to work as a team with the opposite gender as well as co-exist effectively in the school settings. Therefore, it is vital for both sexes to cooperate with each other from the early age.
Critics also claim that the brain mechanisms of all people function pretty the same way; therefore, dividing pupils by gender strengthens negative gender stereotypes. No one can say who is likely to buy term paper from Pro-Papers more often – a boy or a girl, – as both of them have the same mental abilities on the whole.
As for nature, there is a belief that when kids go to mix-gender schools their life gets full of distractions. Otherwise, educators claim that pupils learning together achieve greater academic success and have broader educational prospects as well.
There is some evidence indicating that the more females study in a mixed-gender classroom, the greater the academic progress of both genders. Academics say that a high percentage of female pupils reduces the number of disruptions and promotes good relations between all schoolers and their educators.
One of the most important reasons why all pupils should gain knowledge together is because they have to be taught how to cooperate with each other. For their future, it is important to know how to admire and back up themselves. Having both genders under one roof is the way to the better behavior of both: the girls are less shy, and the boys are politer and less loud.
Lastly, educating pupils apart with the use of different approaches adds to the cost of education a lot. Teaching same age students together requires far fewer resources and thus is much cheaper. And the saved money can be efficiently spent on extracurricular activities.
In conclusion, as we see, same-sex schools have fewer advantages in comparison to their counterparts. Therefore, all pupils should share the same institution where the teachers’ primary aim is to provide quality materials, teach them how to respect each other, and show them how to co-exist rather than burning the candle at both ends to adjust numerous teaching methods to comprehend with the same-gender pupils’ thinking patterns.