East Windsor Township salutes its Firefighters of the Year

Pointing to their dedication to the volunteer fire service, Mayor Janice S. Mironov and East Windsor Township Council have named Jack Israel and Josh Pohl at East Windsor Township’s Firefighters of the Year for 2017.

Israel was honored as East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1’s Firefighter of the Year, while  Pohl was named as East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2’s Firefighter of the Year.

East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1 is located at 51 One Mile Road, on the west side of the township, and East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2 is located at 69 Twin Rivers Drive, on the east side of the township.

“It is an annual honor by the companies for a member who goes above and beyond,” Mayor Mironov said of the Volunteer Firefighter of the Year award. The person who is selected is someone who is an essential part of the fire company, she said.

That is the case for Israel, who joined East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1 in 2011 as a fire police officer. Fire police officers are volunteer firefighters who assist at an incident, directing traffic around the scene and performing other tasks.

Israel quickly became involved and has served as assistant treasurer, trustee and fire police lieutenant. He has been president of the fire company since 2015, Mayor Mironov said.

During 2017, Israel responded to 443 calls, and attended 28 training drills and 18 work drills, she said. He also drives the fire truck to the scene of a call. Outside of the firehouse, Israel has served as the corresponding secretary for the Mercer County Fire Police Association.

“As you can see from all of that activity, obviously Jack is an asset and his proven qualities make him stand out,” Mayor Mironov said.

“I have gotten a chance to know Jack better over time. He is a delight to work with, a straight shooter and a professional. It is certainly a well-deserved honor,” Mayor Mironov said.

Mayor Mironov also praised Pohl, who joined East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2 in 2014. He has helped in numerous company events, including open houses and fire prevention programs in the public schools.

Pohl responded to 127 calls during 2017. He has taken additional courses, including Incident Response to Terrorism and Hazardous Materials Operation, since joining the fire company.

“What is particularly amazing is that Josh is a full-time student. He is out of the community part of the time. He is so dedicated and caring, he comes back (to help). It is a testament to Josh that he take it so seriously,” Mayor Mironov said.

“I know we are all very proud of you. You are a model young man for others to emulate,” she told Pohl.

Mayor Mironov said volunteers who belong to the two companies give of their own time responding to calls, sometimes at their own personal sacrifice. It is a labor of love, she said.