Freehold Borough will install new fuel dispensing system

FREEHOLD – The Borough Council has authorized the purchase and installation of an automated fuel dispensing system.

On Nov. 5, Freehold Borough’s governing body authorized the purchase of an automated fuel dispensing system from Whitemarsh Corporation, Middlesex, and the installation of the system by A&J Construction, Farmingdale.

The maximum cost of the new system is $23,200 and the maximum cost of its installation is $31,600, for a total maximum cost of $54,800, according to the council.

The fuel dispensing system will be used by borough vehicles and by Freehold First Aid Squad vehicles, according to municipal officials, who determined the new system will enhance inventory security and provide accurate record keeping.

“The system will pay for itself,” council President Sharon Shutzer said.

In other business, council members confirmed the appointment of Robert Cosgrove as municipal prosecutor, effective Nov. 5, for a term that will expire Dec. 31.

Council members also confirmed the appointment of Christine Jensen as a member of the Freehold Borough Recreation Commission to fill an unexpired term until Dec. 31, and Ashley Biddle as an alternate member of the Recreation Commission for a term that will expire Dec. 31. They confirmed the resignation of Nelson Kuperberg as a member of the Historic Preservation Committee.

Additionally, the council confirmed the appointment of Matthew Hardy as a member of the Freehold Fire Department, Good Will Hook & Ladder Co., Shawn Bailey as a member of the Freehold Fire Department, Richardson Engine Co. No. 2, and Vikram Sharma as a member of the Freehold Fire Department, Monmouth Hose Company.

Officials confirmed the resignation of Rut Lineswala as a member of the Freehold Fire Department, Monmouth House Company.