Marlboro school board seeks to fill open seat

MARLBORO – Anisha Gizersky has resigned from her position as a member of the Marlboro K-8 School District Board of Education.

In a letter which board President Robyn Wolfe read to the board and members of the public during a meeting on Nov. 20, Gizersky said, “I recently switched jobs and joined a publicly traded company where, during the on-boarding process, I had to disclose all publicly elected positions.

“As a result, holding an elected position on any board is considered a direct conflict of interest to the current job responsibilities I perform in my role. I realize this is happening suddenly, but I did my due diligence and worked with both the legal and compliance departments to see if there was a possibility I could continue my board of education position.

“After thorough review, unfortunately, I was advised that I can’t serve as a member and that I must resign immediately. It has been a pleasure working with my fellow board members, Superintendent Dr. (Eric) Hibbs, all school administrative staff and most of all, serving the Marlboro community. I wish you all the best and thank everyone for giving me this opportunity. I look forward to keeping in touch and helping in anyway I could,” Gizersky wrote.

In November 2017, Gizersky was elected to serve a three-year term. There are two years remaining on her term (2019 and 2020). The board is accepting letters of interest and resumes from Marlboro residents who wish to be considered for an appointment to the open seat.

Materials must be submitted to Business Administrator/Board Secretary Cindy Barr-Rague by noon on Dec. 11.

Board members will interview the candidates in public session on Dec. 18. Board members will meet privately to discuss the candidates, before returning to public session to appoint a new board member, who will be sworn in immediately.

The individual who is appointed will serve from Dec. 18 through the end of 2019. The final year of Gizersky’s term will be on the ballot in the November 2019 school election. There will also be three three-year terms on the ballot in November 2019.