Small Business Saturday comes to Toms River

Small businesses will take center stage in Toms River on Nov. 24.

The Downtown Toms River Business Improvement District will hold a Small Business Saturday event on that day, when residents are invited to participate.

“The kick-off breakfast takes place on that Saturday, the event is from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at The Downtown Shops on 53 Main Street. In addition to breakfast there will be a free raffle and giveaways. All the businesses at The Downtown Shops will be open and we will also have a few pop-up shops as well,” Kim Dippolito, the marketing director for the Downtown Toms River Business Improvement District said.

Downtown Toms River Business Improvement District s a not-for-profit organization specially designated to promote and implement the economic revitalization of the downtown area of Toms River.

The organization’s officials said the Neighborhood Champions in all 50 states are working hard to bring small businesses and shoppers together in support of Small Business Saturday.

Neighborhood Champions is a movement to support the community cause, rally small businesses, organize a community event and distribute shop small merchandise.

According to, this event is designed to support local shops that make local communities strong.

American Express launches Small Business Saturday on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage people to Shop Small and bring more holiday shopping to small businesses.

“Many of the downtown businesses will be open and we encourage everyone to come down and show their love for local!  This has always been a great day for the community to come out and show their support for their local businesses,” Dippolito said.