Aberdeen resident grateful for county’s repair of Lloyd Road

 A section of Lloyd Road in Aberdeen Township where uneven pavement was said to be a hazard for motorists has been repaired by Monmouth County.

After recently expressing concern for motorists, resident Angelo Grillo said his mind “is now at ease” after county employees repaired what he had described as a dangerous condition.

Grillo’s concern involved a section of uneven pavement on Lloyd Road that he said often sent vehicles “up in the air and crashing down to the ground.” He said the uneven pavement was the result of repairs being made to underground water pipes.

Construction crews patching the holes they opened led to the unsafe condition, according to Grillo, who lives at that location.

In late November, when Grillo’s concerns reached the county, officials responded by having employees paint markings on the pavement to alert motorists to the hump in the road. One week later a crew was on Lloyd Road to make a more permanent repair at the location.

“Now my wife says that when she is sitting in the house, this is the quietest our house has been in 25 years,” Grillo said, noting that before the repair was made, he could feel the vibrations when some vehicles passed over the uneven pavement.

Grillo said the restoration effort has “tremendously” improved his quality of life. He said his neighbors are also thankful their homes no longer “shake” when motorists drive past their homes and hit an unexpected hump in the road.

He said the improvement is a step in the right direction when it comes to ensuring the safety of motorists who use Lloyd Road.