Eagle Scout project focuses on Gaga pits for East Brunswick campers

EAST BRUNSWICK – Kyle Corbin was exactly one month shy of his 15th birthday when he attained the rank of Eagle Scout.
On Nov. 29, Kyle became the 79th Eagle Scout since the inception of Boy Scout Troop 223 in East Brunswick.
“Kyle attended the summer camp for many years and developed a passion for playing Gaga. His love of Gaga was matched by many others and Kyle developed a strong bond of friendship with numerous other campers. As he moved up in age, he would move to different schools for the summer camp season. This past year, Kyle knew that the school he was to have summer camp in was without a much desired Gaga pit. That led to the inspiration of his Eagle Project,” his mother Nicole said.
For his Eagle project, Kyle designed and built three portable, lightweight Gaga pits for the East Brunswick Township Recreation Summer Camp. While used inside three East Brunswick schools, they were easily disassembled and stored for the school year until the new camp year starts.
The project proposal began in February, and the pits were completed on June 26. The cost of the project was divided between the East Brunswick Recreation Department and Kyle’s parents. Home Depot of Milltown donated some material and supplied the machinery to cut the numerous pieces and trucks to move the product around.