Health commissioner praises Chelsea at Forsgate for flu shot compliance

New Jersey Health Commissioner Dr. Shereef Elnahal commended the Chelsea at Forsgate assisted living residence for its impressive efforts at getting staff and residents vaccinated for the flu.

The Chelsea staff was 98 percent compliant with flu shots, and most of the residents were, too, according to information provided by the Chelsea.

“Shots aren’t fun or easy,” Elnahal recently said to a room of Chelsea residents and staff, according to the statement, “but it really starts with all of you because you’re not only protecting yourself, you’re protecting everybody else around you.”

Elnahal said so far, it appears this year’s flu season might not be as bad as last year’s, though it is still a little early to call.

“I’m optimistic that at least the vaccine will be a little more effective,” he said, noting that last year’s flu vaccine was not.

The commissioner came to the Chelsea to recognize the management for its diligence it getting its staff and residents vaccinated during National Flu Prevention Week and the beginning of the flu season.