Residents sought to serve on Lawrence Township boards, committees

Wanted: A few good men and women to serve on Lawrence Township’s advisory boards and committees.

That’s what the Township Council is seeking as it tries to fill openings on an assortment of boards and committees, ranging from the Shade Tree Advisory Committee to the Growth and Redevelopment Committee.

But what do those advisory boards and committees do?

The Environmental Resources and Sustainability Green Advisory Committee, for example, develops proposals for the conservation and preservation of natural features of the township, including landscaping. It also reviews applications made to the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

The Growth and Redevelopment Committee reaches out to businesses and community groups, and publicizes activities that encourage development and redevelopment of businesses and properties.

It holds an annual awards ceremony to honor businesses and individuals who have enhanced the community in a special way, such as by developing a property that expands the property tax base or by participating in activities that benefit the township and its residents.

The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee is focused on preserving the historic nature of the township. It reviews development applications or permits that affect historic landmark properties or improvements within historic districts in the township.

The Municipal Alliance on Drug and Alcohol Abuse works on planning awareness and prevention education efforts regarding the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. It supports programs such as Project Graduation, which is a drug- and alcohol-free after-graduation celebration for high school seniors.

The Shade Tree Advisory Committee looks over development applications slated to be heard by the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and comments on the types and specifications of shade trees proposed for the developments.

It also makes recommendations to Township Council regarding programs for shade tree improvements, planting and replacement along public rights-of-way.

The Trails, Open Space and Stewardship Advisory Committee studies and makes recommendations to the Township Council about properties that should be acquired for open space preservation. It also makes recommendations regarding the development of park land, and helps in developing the township’s Open Space Plan.

Application forms are available on the township website at Click on “Forms and Documents” on the left side, under “Administration.” Forms also are available by calling the municipal clerk at 609-844-7000, weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.