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St. Paul School eighth grader wins Holocaust essay contest

Claire King, an eighth grader at St. Paul School of Princeton, submitted a winning essay in the fifth annual Holocaust Essay Competition, sponsored by Fegelson-Young-Feinberg Post 697 Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A.

Claire, who shared the honor with two other New Jersey students, read her essay at the recent award’s ceremony and received her honor from Allan Silverberg, chairman of the Holocaust Remembrance Program.

The essay reflected on the childhood experiences of Holocaust survivor, Daniel Goldsmith, who spoke to students at St. Paul School last spring as a culmination of their Holocaust Studies Program.

In an excerpt from the essay, Claire wrote, “What really stood out to me during [Mr. Goldsmith’s] presentation was the night when the Nazis came to his town to eradicate every Jewish person living on his street. The way Mr. Goldsmith’s mother acted to save her children is the way we need to act to save people being persecuted in our world today such as the Rohingya in Myanmar. We need to be courageous enough to help save these persecuted people just as his mother showed courage in order to do what is best for others.”

The competition is open to students who participate in the nationally and internationally acclaimed Holocaust Remembrance Education Program, sponsored by Post 697.