Scott Jacobs

Farming conference open to the public, gardeners, farmers of all skill levels

The 29th annual Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey (NOFA-NJ) Winter Conference will take place on Jan. 26 and 27 at the Rutgers University Douglass Student Center, 100 George St., New Brunswick.

The conference is an opportunity to educate the public, gardeners and farmers at all skill levels on topics relating to regenerative organic agriculture and the food system. The theme for 2019 is “Collaborate, Regenerate, Celebrate!,” emphasizing the opportunities for positive change through building community and sharing information on regenerative agriculture.

WC19 will offer more than 50 workshops organized into five tracks: Business, Crops, Gardening, Livestock and Policy. Keynote speaker Carey Gillam, author of “Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science,” will speak on Jan. 26. Keynotes David Montgomery and Anne Biklé, authors of several titles, including MacArthur Fellow Montgomery’s most recent “Growing a Revolution,” will speak on Jan. 27.

Detailed information on workshops, speakers and registration is available at