Engineering firm will assure water system’s compliance with state law

FREEHOLD – The Borough Council is taking action to have an asset management plan developed to ensure that Freehold Borough’s water system is compliant with state law.

Council members recently authorized Mott MacDonald, the borough’s water and sewer engineer, to develop a water system asset management plan.

The plan will focus on the areas of water demand analysis, source of supply evaluation, distribution system and storage evaluation, evaluation of operations and maintenance procedures, and a recommended operational and capital improvement program, according to a resolution.

Mott MacDonald will receive $68,000 to undertake the work.

According to the resolution, Freehold Borough owns, operates and maintains a drinkable water supply, storage and distribution system that provides water to approximately 12,000 residents through approximately 3,700 metered connections.

In other business, council members authorized Abbington Engineering to prepare regulatory amendments to the borough’s storm water management master plan and ordinances. The firm will be paid $14,500.

According to a resolution, the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requires the development of storm water management plans on the local and regional levels. Freehold Borough officials previously developed a plan with the required ordinances.

However, the DEP enacted additional regulations, thus making it necessary for Freehold Borough to amend its storm water management plan.

The tasks to be performed by Abbington Engineering include educating borough staff and elected officials, revising ordinances and the master plan, having field inspections of storm water facilities, developing a storm water prevention plan, updating outfall mapping and preparing a record keeping plan, according to the resolution.

And, the council has entered into a series of contracts totaling $60,646 for the purchase of water and sewer chemicals for the water plant. Contracts were awarded to the Miracle Chemical Company, Yardville Supply Company, Shannon Chemical Corp. and Main Pool and Chemical Co. Each contract is effective for two years, according to a resolution.

Also, council members awarded a $59,000 contract to Falkinburg Tree Service, Brielle, for tree removal and trimming following a review of the borough’s tree inventory and after receiving complaints. Officials said the work is intended to deal with an infestation of the emerald ash borer.

And, the council purchased two vehicles, a Ford F450 Dump Truck from Winner Ford, Cherry Hill, at a maximum cost of $52,510, for the Water and Sewer Department, and a law enforcement vehicle from Chas. S. Winner Inc., Cherry Hill (Winner Chevrolet), for $24,489.