Police warn residents about coyote sighting in Spotswood


SPOTSWOOD–The Spotswood Police Department has received a report of a coyote sighting in the wooded area behind Clearwater Village during the first week of January.

Residents are urged to be mindful and vigilant at all times and should take caution in leaving their pets unattended, according to police.

The following guidelines can help reduce the likelihood of conflicts with coyotes:

  • Never feed a coyote.
  • Feeding pet cats and/or feral-wild cats outdoors can attract coyotes. The coyotes feed on the pet food and also prey upon cats.
  • Put garbage in tightly closed containers that cannot be tipped over. Remove sources of water, especially in dry climates. Bring pets in at night.
  • Put away bird feeders at night to avoid attracting rodents and other coyote prey.
  • Provide secure enclosures for rabbits, poultry, and other farm animals. Pick up fallen fruit and cover compost piles.
  • Although extremely rare, coyotes have been known to attack humans. Parents should monitor their children, even in familiar surroundings, such as backyards. Install motion-sensitive lighting around the house.
  • Clear brush and dense weeds from around dwellings – this reduces protective cover for coyotes and makes the area less attractive to rodents and rabbits. Coyotes, as well as other predators, are attracted to areas where rodents are concentrated like woodpiles.
  • If coyotes are present, make sure they know they’re not welcome. Make loud noises, blast a canned air siren, throw rocks, or spray them with a garden hose.

For more information, visit the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife website or contact the Spotswood Police Department directly in the event of an emergency.