Andrew Harrison

Wittmann elected president of Toms River Township Council

The Toms River Township Council has new leadership for 2019.

During the governing body’s Jan. 3 reorganization meeting, Republican Councilman George Wittmann was elected by his fellow council members to serve as council president for 2019. Republican Councilman Maurice Hill was elected vice president.

In 2018, Republican Councilman Brian Kubiel served as council president and Wittmann was the vice president.

Republicans hold a 5-2 majority on the council. The Republicans are Wittmann, Hill, Kubiel, Maria Maruca and Daniel Rodrick. The Democrats are Terrance Turnbach and Laurie Huryk.

In his remarks to residents, Wittmann said, “I would like to thank the council for voting for me. One thing we need to look at going forward is open space. I would like to see the township continue with the purchase of open space. Another item to look at would be a zero percent tax increase. We will also be demolishing the Red Carpet Inn. We have a very big agenda.”

Hill told those in attendance that “going forward, I see several challenges and school funding is one of them. We need to have fair and equitable funding. The project to redevelop the downtown has been jump-started due to the purchase of the Red Carpet Inn.

“We are going to work with the county on multiple issues, including open space. There is a lot on the horizon. There is a lot to look forward to. I look forward to a very successful year,” he said.

There was no election for municipal officials in November. In 2019, the at-large seats held by Wittmann, Hill and Kubiel will be on the ballot.