The Pilgrim Baptist Church of Red Bank and its community partners will hold its Annual Community MLK Weekend that will begin on Jan. 19.
The Community Conversation will take place at 12 p.m. on Jan. 19. The conversation will focus on “The Golden Rule & Police Use of Force Report.”
On Jan. 20, the congregations of the Pilgrim Baptist Church and the United Methodist Church of Red Bank will “Exchange Pulpit Preachers” for their morning worship services.
At 12 p.m. on Jan. 21, the Pilgrim Baptist Church will hold the Annual Red Bank Community Celebration of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The service will feature clergy from Red Bank and the surrounding communities.
A combined music celebration of the Red Bank Regional High School Chorus and Pilgrim Baptist Church Choir will also take place. Reverend Eric Dobson, an ordained minister and Outreach Coordinator for Fair Share Housing Center, will serve as the guest speaker on Jan. 21.
There is no cost to participate in the program. For further information, call 732-747-2343.