Florence Zoning Board deems application for warehouse conditionally complete

The Florence Township Zoning Board unanimously approved a company’s application conditionally complete for preliminary and final major site plans to construct a warehouse.

The action was done during the zoning board meeting that was held on Jan. 7.

The developer, Foxdale Properties, LLC, submitted an application in November of 2017 to construct a warehouse on property located in the township along Railroad Ave.

Along with the company’s submitted application for preliminary and final major site plan approval, they also sought bulk and height variances as well, in regards to the warehouse.

“Foxdale is proposing to develop an approximately 300,700 sq. foot warehouse facility together with parking, landscaping and lighting [and] storm water management facilities on the property,” a representative from the company said. “[We are] seeking a height variance for the proposed warehouse facility to permit a height of 50 feet whereas a maximum height of 30 feet or two stories is permitted in [the township’s] special manufacturing zoning district.”

After the Foxdale representative presented the application to the board members, the company also requested that a missing item from their application to be waived by the board, which required a written-narrative regarding a description of employee count, shift periods, and the operations and use of the building per the township’s ordinance approval checklist.

According to Foxdale’s representative, precise information regarding these application requirements could not be provided. The board members were hesitant to deem the application full in completeness, noting that information regarding the warehouse’s effects on local traffic and the property’s parking space demands.

The board members and applicant came to an agreement that the applicant would provide a general, estimated description of these requirements before the next zoning board meeting.

“At this point in time, the building that was submitted for preliminary and final site plan is a spec building,” the representative said.

“There is not a tenant [for the warehouse] identified at this point for which we would be able to provide exact employee counts, exact shift times and the exact use and operations of the building aside from the warehouse use, which is listed on the application,” the representative added. “So, we would request a waiver of this item, but can submit in writing to the effect of what was just stated if the board would prefer to address the item that way.”

Once the board and the applicant came to an agreement, the board members deemed the application conditionally complete, and the hearing process will now begin for the public at the next zoning board meeting, which is scheduled on Feb. 4.