County may take property to complete road repairs

UPPER FREEHOLD – The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders is taking action to acquire a portion of two properties in Upper Freehold Township through eminent domain (condemnation) in connection with a planned road improvement project.

The approval of the Sharon Station Road project dates back to April 2012, when the freeholders determined a need exists for the road improvements.

The improvements will be made to Sharon Station Road from county Route 539 (Allentown-Davis Station Road) to county Route 526 (Allentown-Red Valley Road). In addition to road upgrades, the project will include the reconstruction of bridges designated as U-34, U-35 and U-94, according to the freeholders.

On Jan. 10, the freeholders passed two resolutions which authorize the county to begin eminent domain proceedings to acquire a portion of the property at 22 Sharon Station Road and a portion of the property at 222 Route 539.

The property on Sharon Station Road is owned by Kenneth R. Giovanelli and the property on Route 539 is owned by Kenneth and Kathleen Horner.

The freeholders said the county has been unable to acquire the needed property through negotiations with Giovanelli and the Horners. They said the 2012 approval of the Sharon Station Road project authorized the use of eminent domain “for those parcels necessary to construct the subject project.”

An appraisal was commissioned on the property owned by Giovanelli and the value of the property, based on the appraisal, is $45,700. An appraisal was commissioned on the property owned by the Horners and the value of the property, based on the appraisal, is $6,700, according to the resolutions.

The freeholders said funds are available to acquire the properties and they authorized the acquisition of the parcels through purchase from the owners or by eminent domain, which is defined as the right of a government … to (take) private property for public use, with payment of compensation.