Hillsborough officials remind residents of laws regarding winter weather

Hillsborough Township residents have been reminded–do not park on roads that are snow covered.

With the winter in full swing, Hillsborough Township Committeewoman Gloria McCauley, Liaison to Public Safety, sent out a recent reminder to residents that parking on roads that are covered with snow is prohibited.

“Township Code Chapter 143-21 prohibits parking on snow covered roads. When snow is anticipated, use off street parking as an alternative. Vehicles are subject to summonses and the potential of being towed at the owner’s expense,” McCauley said.

According to the Hillsborough Township code, if snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the street or highway, an emergency shall exist, and no vehicle shall be parked on either side of any of the streets or parts.

“It is necessary to have the streets accessible and free from vehicles parked on the side to allow for the plows to complete their work,” McCauley added.

Township officials noted that parking prohibitions remain in effect after the snow has ceased or until the streets have been plowed sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.

“For the safety of our residents, your vehicles and the effectiveness of Public Works plowing and salting efforts, it is imperative that residents adhere to these restrictions,”  Hillsborough Township Police Chief Darren Powell said.

Additionally, Powell said that a state law requires all snow and ice to be cleared from a vehicle before operating said vehicle on the roadway. The purpose is to avoid flying ice and snow, which can damage other vehicles and potentially create visibility problems for other drivers.

“Snow should not be shoveled, thrown nor deposited in the roadway from sidewalks and driveways, as per Township Code Chapter 197-2,” McCauley said. “When clearing sidewalks and driveways, please pile snow on the side of the driveway and do not throw it in the street.”