Hightstown Borough Council selects two new members

The Hightstown Borough Council has appointed a lifelong town resident and a community volunteer to fill two vacancies on the council.

The open seats were created by the resignations of former Borough Council members Denise “Denny” Hansen and Connor Montferrat.

Joshua Jackson, who grew up in Hightstown, and Trish Egan, who moved to Hightstown seven years ago, were named to fill the two openings at the Hightstown Borough Council’s Jan. 22 meeting.

Jackson, who is a Democrat, was chosen from among three nominees whose names were sent to the Hightstown Borough Council by the Democratic Party. He replaces Hansen, whose term would have expired in December 2019.

Egan, who is a Republican, was chosen from among three nominees whose names were sent to the Hightstown Borough Council by the Republican Party. She replaces Montferrat, whose term would have expired in December 2020.

Jackson will serve out the rest of Hansen’s term, but Egan will serve until the November 2019 general election. The winner of the November 2019 general election will serve out the rest of Montferrat’s term, ending in December 2020.

Mayor Lawrence Quattrone and the Borough Council members interviewed the six candidates in public, and then went into closed session to discuss them. The Mayor and Borough Council members came out of closed session and made their decision in public.

“It was very difficult, and I don’t want to scare any of you away,” Mayor Quattrone said.

“I can’t say enough for you people coming forward. There will be other openings. The town needs people like yourselves,” Mayor Quattrone said.

Hightstown Borough Council members Lee Stults and Dmitri Musing also thanked the candidates for coming forward. Any one of them would have made a good Hightstown Borough Council members, Stults said to the six candidates.

Mayor Quattrone administered the oath of office to Jackson and Egan, and the two new Borough Council members joined their colleagues on the council.

After the meeting, Jackson said his family moved to Hightstown Borough in 1982. He is a stay-at-home dad, and has been active in the Hightstown Borough Democratic Club. He served as club vice president last year.

Jackson formerly served on the Hightstown Environmental Commission, and was its representative on the Hightstown Planning Board.

“I am a lifelong resident. I have a great sense of community, and I have always been civic-minded. I want to get involved and give back to the community,” Jackson said.

“I like the direction that the Hightstown Borough Council is moving the town forward. I intend to stay here in Hightstown for many years. I want my children to enjoy a prosperous community,” he said.

Egan moved to Hightstown Borough in 2012 with her family. She is the executive director of the Heal Me Forward nonprofit group, sponsored through the First Baptist Church of Hightstown, that helps adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

“I love the ‘community feel’ of Hightstown, and I see so many positive changes. I would love to be part of it,” Egan said.

“I try to help move things along when I can. I love the sense of community, and I want to help to try to develop it,” she said.