Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office to hold annual Junior Police Academy

The Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office will hold its annual D.A.R.E.–Junior Police Academy this summer for children entering fifth and sixth grades in Middlesex County in the 2019-20 school year.

The program will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays, July 8-19 at the Middlesex County Fire Academy, 1001 Fire Academy Way, Sayreville.

The daily routine will include roll call, platoon formation, D.A.R.E. lessons, lunch, drill, multiple demos and police lessons, and daily physical training.

The $100 fee per child will include a t-shirt, a ball cap, a water bottle, and a graduation party at commencement. Recruits will be responsible for their own lunches and snacks, as well as their own “gym style” shorts (fingertip length at least) and sneakers.

The class is limited to 60 children. Registration will only be confirmed once completed forms with payment are received.

For more information, contact Sgt. Frank Sautner, Officer Tracey Miello or Officer Rob Galiardo at 732-745-5909 or [email protected].us from 8 a.m. to p.m. weekdays to schedule a pickup time for the full packet from the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office, 701 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick.