Municipal clerk-administrator will retire from positions in Millstone Township

MILLSTONE – Maria Dellasala, the municipal clerk and township administrator of Millstone Township, is retiring from both positions and will conclude decades of service to the community.

A letter of retirement from Dellasala was officially received by the Township Committee on Jan. 30. Her retirement will be effective by June 1.

The date of Dellasala’s retirement will coincide with the date she joined Millstone as the purchasing agent in 1992. She was appointed municipal clerk in June 2005 and became township administrator in January 2014.

“I have enjoyed what I consider to be a productive and rewarding career with the town,” Dellasala wrote. “During my tenure serving Millstone Township for the last 27 years, I have grown to love the town and its residents. I want to thank you for all the opportunities you have given me and trusted me with.

“Moreover, the support and trust you have shown me is incomparable,” she continued. “I will never forget the valuable experiences and knowledge I have gained from Millstone Township, its governing body members and the employees I have worked with.”

In addition to working as the municipal clerk for more than 13 years and as the township administrator for five years, Dellasala worked in the tax collector’s office before a part-time employee was hired to fill a position. She has also served as the registrar of vital statistics, assessment clerk, clean communities coordinator, Community Development Block Grant representative and joint insurance fund representative.

Dellasala’s retirement as township administrator was made effective on Jan. 30 through a resolution passed by the committee. The members of the governing body appointed Roger Staib acting business administrator, effective Feb. 4 and subject to a contract to be approved by the committee.

“On behalf of the Township Committee, I would like to thank you for your selfless service and dedication,” Mayor Fiore Masci told Dellasala. “We certainly know that serving the township as both a full-time clerk and part-time administrator in itself is a daunting task and we certainly thank you for serving this amazing township of ours.”

Millstone employee Christopher Hart, resident Barbara Ann Noon and former Millstone Township Municipal Court Administrator Diane Canzanella also thanked Dellasala for her service.

“Maria, when I heard you were retiring, I have to say I was very sad and very happy for you at the same time,” Hart told Dellasala. “You have been a fantastic administrator and the other employees will tell you the same. On behalf of them and myself, I wish you the best of luck in your retirement. You will be missed. You are truly one of the best of the best.”

“Thank you so much for everything you have done for our township,” Noon said to Dellasala. “I’ve known you since day one when I moved here in 2005 and I met you at Millstone Day. You are going to be missed.”

“I just want to thank Maria because I have worked with her for over 25 years and she’s been fair and honest to everybody,” Canzanella said.