Planning board adjourns application due to environmental concerns

The Hillsborough Township Planning Board members unanimously approved a motion to adjourn an application from a developer to a later date due to environmental concerns with the property.

The developer, MAAC Development Group, Inc., was seeking preliminary and final major subdivision approval for the meeting, but given issues with proposed property’s drainage that could potentially affect nearby wetlands, the board could not approve the application at the meeting that was held in December.

The board members carried a motion to adjourn the application for an upcoming meeting on March 7.

According to the board meeting’s minutes posted on the township’s website, board chairman Neil Julian who’s also the liaison to the township’s environmental commission, informed the board that this application had recently been before the commission for review.

He said this property had been before the board for an informal review under another developer at a previous time. At that time, the board officials noted that that developer provided multiple configurations from which the board made its recommendations.

The proposed property has wetlands at the northern end, which the current applicant is said to have plans to put a detention basin near the wetlands. According to the board, the configuration of the detention basin is lower than the wetlands.

Given this complication with the detention basin, the township officials said the environmental commission expressed concerns with the wetlands that would drain into the detention basin.

Julian said he wanted to make the board aware that the applicant is working on revisions to the proposed project’s plan. Given the concerns with the drainage system, the board noted that was the reasoning for why the applicant was not present at the meeting.