Board appointments tabbed by Lawrence Township Council

A raft of vacancies on Lawrence Township advisory boards and committees, ranging from the Growth and Redevelopment Committee to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, were filled by the Lawrence Township Council at its Feb. 5 meeting.

Christopher LaFlamme, Lovette Love-Stevens and Hannah Rhoades were named to three-year terms on the Growth and Redevelopment Committee, ending in December  2021. The committee advises the Township Council on economic development and redevelopment issues.

At the Human Relations Committee, Teresita Bastides-Heron was named to a three-year term ending in December 2021.

The Human Relations Committee helps the township to celebrate its diversity and also advises the Township Council on cultural affairs, recommends and evaluates programs to increase cultural awareness, and promotes harmony between diverse cultures.

Ron Dziminski was appointed to a two-year term on the Public Safety Advisory Committee that will expire in December 2020.

The Public Safety Advisory Committee reviews site plans for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment, and also reviews and makes recommendations on all capital expenditure proposals involving equipment related to emergency services.

Marie Tagliaferri was appointed to a three-year term on the Recreation Advisory Committee, expiring in December 2021.

The Recreation Advisory Committee evaluates the township’s recreational needs, plans and promotes recreational activities and makes recommendations to the Township Council and the Municipal Manager.

At the Shade Tree Advisory Committee, Pam Mount was named to a three-year term that ends in December 2021.

The Shade Tree Advisory Committee advises the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment on applications for site plan and subdivision approval as it relates to the standards, types and planting specifications for shade trees, as well as recommends planting and replacement of shade trees along public rights-of-way.

And Olga Dember was named to fill an unexpired four-year term as a regular member on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, ending in December 2019.

The Zoning Board of Adjustment considers applications that require exceptions from the township’s land use ordinance, and also hears appeals from decisions made by the zoning officer.