East Brunswick to hold Citizens Police Academy April 16 to May 21

The East Brunswick Police Department will hold a Citizens Police Academy from 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesdays, April 16 to May 21, at the East Brunswick Police Training Facility, 23 Harts Lane, East Brunswick.

There will be information on crime prevention, Neighborhood Watch groups, gun safety, terrorism, computer crimes and the internet, crime scene investigation and patrol techniques; demonstrations by the SWAT team and motorcycle officers; and more.

The academy is open to East Brunswick residents and business owners, 18 years of age or older. All attendees must pass a background check.

Application must be submitted no later than March 15, but seats are limited and are available first-come, first-served.

The program is free.

For more information, call 732-390-6938 or email [email protected].

To register, visit www.eastbrunswick.org or call 732-390-6797.