Around Cranbury

Cranbury Arts Council

A new exhibit will be displayed in the Gourgaud Gallery in town hall for the month of March. Residents and guests will be able to view Cranbury School student artists who will be featured in gallery.

The exhibit is part of the artwork displayed during the month of March for the National Youth Art Month. The show itself will go from March 3-29. A reception will be held in the gallery on March 9 from 1-3 p.m.

The Cranbury School

For parents and guardians in Cranbury, the Cranbury School held an open house for there preschool program called Cranbuddies on Feb. 27.

The program is for developing 3 year-olds. If people are interested but could not attend open house do not worry. Applications for parents and guardians are available in the child study team office at the school. The applications must be turned in by March 6 and there is a deposit fee of $100.

For more information about the pre-school programs, contact the Child Study Team office at 609- 395-1700, Ext. 232 or visit


Mayor James Taylor announced at the Township Committee meeting on Feb. 25 that he will increase the donated amount of his month mayor salary to local community organizations in town. For the month of February he donated $100 to the Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society.

The Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society

Just a reminder for residents the Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society will have a new exhibit being displayed. The exhibit is called “The History of the Cranbury Police”. The exhibit will open on March 3. If residents are interested the Museum is open on Sundays from 1-4 p.m. at 4 Park Place E.

The Cranbury Public Library
The Cranbury Public Library will sponsor  a special event on March 2 called “Put On Your Writing Gloves”. The event is a free writing workshop for elementary school children in Cranbury. The workshop will work to improve creative writing for children in town. Parents seeking more information should contact the the public library at 609-655-0555 or visit