Additional business uses eyed in downtown Freehold

FREEHOLD – Municipal officials in Freehold Borough are preparing to amend the borough’s redevelopment plan in a portion of the downtown district to permit motor vehicle repair garages, auto body repairs and painting, and tire sales.

On Feb. 19, the Borough Council introduced an ordinance amending the Freehold Center Core Redevelopment Plan. Officials said the purpose of the action is to encourage new development in the downtown.

The targeted area is designated as the Freehold Center Core Redevelopment Zone and projects in the zone must be compliant with the core redevelopment plan.

A public hearing on the ordinance is scheduled for March 4. The council may adopt the ordinance that evening.

Under the current core redevelopment plan, motor vehicle repair garages, auto body repairs and painting, tire sales and the sale of automobiles are prohibited uses.

The proposed ordinance, if adopted, will amend the core redevelopment plan to permit motor vehicle repair garages, auto body repairs and painting, and tire sales if certain conditions are met. The conditions refer to setbacks, building height, work spaces, vehicle storage and other conditions.