Jamesburg Council introduces ordinance for sanitary improvements

JAMESBURG–The Borough Council adopted an ordinance providing $33,073 in funding for sanitary sewer system improvements through the Middlesex County 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.

“We improve the sewer system throughout the borough. We receive monies from the federal government from CDBG grants through Middlesex County [and] we receive these funds annually,” Borough Administrator Scott Frueh said.

The council adopted the ordinance on Feb. 20 during its regular council meeting.

“It is an ongoing process, so it depends on if we have had problems in a certain area of the system. As we have blockages in the system we check those areas to determine if they may need repair,” Frueh said.

Frueh said the borough normally uses North American Pipeline for any repairs that need to be performed.

In other related news, the council also introduced an ordinance to provide $20,000 in funding for various sewer equipment and infrastructure improvements.

The borough has $20,000 in the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, according to the council agenda.

Frueh said the borough is going to purchase a new sewer jet trailer and any remaining monies would be used to perform additional maintenance on the system.

The second and final reading for this ordinance will be on March 20, according to the council.

For more information, visit www.jamesburgborough.org/government/borough_council/agendas_&_minutes.php.