There are many reasons one should never opt for FUT hair transplants. They may be cost-efficient, but that is not a valid reason to put your scalp at risk. Below are side effects that come with FUT, that patients may or may not already know about. Many of the side effects are a consequence of the relatively invasive nature of the procedure.,
What is a FUT hair transplant
, FUT hair transplant is the pioneer method of hair transplantation that first emerged in the 1950s. From there on, attempts to invent efficient and practical methods have initiated. The way hair transplants work is through relocating follicular units from areas of hair growth to areas of hair loss. The process of harvesting follicular units for relocation in FUT hair transplants requires the excision of an entire strip of skin from the scalp and later the stitching of the wound., For its time, FUT was a groundbreaking invention. However, as time passed the method proved poor.,
Side effects of hair transplants
1- Nerve damage
, The strip of skin excised during the process is not thick enough to create significant damage. However, the strip needs to be thick enough to include entire follicular units. With a whole strip, the possibility of damaging neighbor nerves and nerves in the area are very high. Many report consistent feelings of numbness in the scalp post a FUT hair transplant. In some instances, the numbness is permanent, and in other cases, it can last up to a year. There is no clear-cut way for patients to know where their case might fall.,
2- A linear scar
, As a result of its invasive harvesting process, the area needs to be stitched. The excision and stitching leave a linear scar on the scalp. For one, the scar limits the patient’s choice of hairstyles in the future. Most incline towards hairstyles that cover the scar, even though they might not be what they are looking for. A second side effect to the linear scars is that it limits a patient’s chance of another procedure. Often, hair transplants fail due to lack of aftercare from the patient. With a linear scar covering the area, it is not possible for patients to opt for another procedure.,
3- Higher risk of infection
, Given the size of the wound in FUT hair transplants, the risk of infection is much higher. Moreover, the recovery periods are longer.,
In summary
, In short, the reason you should never opt for FUT hair transplants is that better options exist. Options like FUE and Sapphire FUE, make the process a lot easier with their minimally invasive procedure process. With no scars, minuscule wounds, and most importantly; no nerve damage or any tissue damage at all, patients can achieve the hair of their dreams without bargaining on their comfort., We understand that many are aware of the side effects and still opt for the surgery because numbness and a linear scar are better than watching your life pass by while you are struggling with self-image issues. However even that is not an excuse, medical tourism exists because treatment abroad happens to be cheaper without compromising on the quality. An FUE procedure in a state-of-the-art facility in the world’s capital of hair transplant: Turkey can peak at most $2,500. ,
Get in touch
, Visit vera clinic if you would like to know more about FUT, FUE, or medical tourism. A medical specialist will address your concerns in a virtual consultation session.