Creating A Brand Based On Market

Building awareness for any brand is a tough task that needs both the brains and practicality to make it effective. This is because a brand is far much more than having a cool and bright looking logo that can easily capture the eye. It’s all about your approach to the market and your planning from the word go. There’s absolutely no need to have a brand that has tons of products, but no market to sell to. The main point of brand awareness is to bring as many people as possible to learn more about your company and what you have to offer. Here are some of the tips you can apply when building a brand to fit a particular market.,

1. Research on the Target Audience

The main thing about deriving your target market is that you need to understand that you can’t offer everything to everyone. In short, your brand may not necessarily be able to target all ages, but this doesn’t mean that it has no market. So that you can be sure, you need to research on the audience that you wish to target since this is what will help you build the foundation that you need. Your brand identity needs to be easy to comprehend. In order to have a competitive advantage, you need to narrow down your audience focus. In any case, focusing your attention on the right kind of audience will make it easier to lay down your marketing strategy in the long run.,

2. Determine your Mission


Does your brand have a mission statement that backs up the entire image? Other than having a brand logo that clearly displays your brand, you need to have a mission that expresses your company’s passion. When your firm has a clear expression of the value it offers to customers, you gain their trust.,

3. Research other Brands

There are obviously other bigger brands out there that have done a remarkable job to be where they are today. Therefore, you need to take your time and carefully study what they have managed to do about their brand awareness strategy. This will give you the opportunity to determine what it is that they did right and that which they did wrong during the process. You need to make sure that you learn from them since this will give you leverage on how to go about your brand awareness.,

4. Learn your Brand’s Qualities and Benefits

Every brand definitely has some unique quality that it offers to the customers. Therefore, you need to identify what exactly it is that your company has to offer that others don’t. Once you’ve identified what makes your brand unique, you need to sell it in such a way that it clearly shows the customer the unique traits. If you look at cosmetic packaging, you will realize that most manufacturers make sure that they highlight the product’s unique qualities of the package. You can go the same route with your brand or choose a different way to tell customers about your product’s qualities and benefits.,

5. Create a Brand Logo and Tagline

Your company brand simply can’t be complete without having an appropriate logo and tagline. You may wonder where exactly to start with developing a logo, but this can be made easier by consulting a professional digital designer. This part of the brand building process is important since it can either make or break your brand image. Therefore, it’s advisable to make sure that you don’t shy away from spending money to get your the ideal logo. After all, good things don’t come cheap. Bear in mind that the logo and tagline will appear on almost all of your business merchandise and assets. This means that you need to have the right visual identity that customers will be able to easily relate to your business.,

6.     Make a Voice for Your Brand

Your customer base will get to learn more about you if you have a brand that’s loud, but not necessarily too loud. Creating a brand voice mostly consists of the company’s mission, audience, and industry. This depends on how you effectively reach out to your customers, and how they respond to you. Therefore, the voice of your brand needs to be professional, friendly, service-oriented, authoritative, technical, promotional, and conversational.,

7. Pitch

Once you have established a voice for your brand, you need to come up with an elevator pitch that you will use to attract buyers. If you have chosen a playful voice for your brand, tell customers who you are, what you have to give them, and why they should go for your product in the most relaxed and inviting way. You can use a cartoon video for that or anything else that doesn’t feel too serious.,

8. Personality

As you come up with a pitch, you have to create a brand personality that will resonate with your company for years to come. If you want your brand to have a playful and relaxed personality, be bold in showing that character to your customers. You can decide to allow your social media followers to post fun pictures of themselves on your page or tag your business. Your firm can then comment to keep the interaction lively and fun. A brand with a personality knows itself, and the customers are likely to fall in love with it for being real.,

9. Uniformity

If you have a logo for your brand, ensure that it’s on everything related to the business. Similarly, unless it’s a huge banner or billboard advertisement, make sure that your logo is the same size and shape on all platforms. It has to be uniform to avoid confusing your customers.,


Brand awareness is a lengthy process that needs you to be organized and patient in order for it to work out. In the end, raising awareness for your brand is a key strategy that will increase leads and boost in your sales. Use the above strategies as a starting point.,