Jackson zoning board considers proposals for apartment buildings

JACKSON – Testimony is scheduled to continue at the April 17 meeting of the Jackson Zoning Board of Adjustment on two applications that could bring almost 200 apartments to West Veterans Highway.

Testimony was heard on March 6 on a pair of applications that have been submitted by Ira Port and Alan Cohn. The board is considering both applications at the same time. The applications propose a total of 192 apartments.

One application seeks a use variance for a 29-acre tract on West Veterans Highway in a Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zone. The property has an existing diner.

The applicant proposes to construct 112 apartments and 23,000 square feet of commercial space. The application proposes 84 two-bedroom units and 28 one-bedroom units in seven two-story buildings. This site was referred to as Parcel A during testimony.

The second application seeks a use variance for an 11-acre site on West Veterans Highway in an NC zone. The property is partially improved with a 14,500-square-foot commercial building.

The applicant proposes to construct 80 apartments and 7,000 square feet of new commercial space. The application proposes 60 two-bedroom units and 20 one-bedroom units in five two-story buildings. This site was referred to Parcel B during testimony.

Attorney Kenneth Pape and Michael Intile, a licensed engineer and planner with Crest Engineering Associates, represented both applications at the March 6 meeting.

The zoning board’s attorney, Sean Gertner, said the applications are being heard at the same time because the proofs that are required to obtain a use variance are “substantially similar.” The parcels are not adjoining lots.

Gertner said that after testimony has been presented and members of the public have had a chance to ask questions about and comment on the applications, board members may approve both applications, deny both applications or approve one application and reject the other application.

During his testimony, Intile said the applicant is seeking a use variance for Parcel B for a multi-family use in the NC zone. When fully developed, the lot would contain retail and residential uses.

“We are not disturbing the (existing) 14,500-square-foot retail center. We are adding a 7,000-square-foot retail commercial area … and the rest of the site is going to be apartments. There are five buildings proposed … with a total of 80 units,” Intile said.

Two parking spaces will be provided for each two-bedroom apartment and one parking space will be provided for each one-bedroom apartment, which Intile said complies with the township’s requirements.

Pape said space is available for recreational uses on Parcel B if the board requires that provision.

Intile said a use variance is also being sought for Parcel A. He said 23,000 square feet of commercial space, with parking, would be constructed, plus seven buildings containing 112 apartments.

Proposed improvements at both sites include lighting, storm water management systems and pump stations associated with public sewer service.

Board member Joseph Sullivan asked if residents who live in the apartments on Parcel B would be permitted to use the proposed facilities, including a clubhouse, on Parcel A.

Pape said, “Each application stands on its own merits. If ultimately this board felt comfortable with both applications being granted as presented, as we came forward with a site plan, we would explore with you what type of recreational elements would be on each (property).”

He said it is possible the two developments could share certain facilities.

Sullivan asked if the driveways to the proposed apartments would remain private or if they would become municipal streets.

“All of the improvements that are shown are private by design and we would be pleased to stipulate they are private and will remain private,” Pape said.

He said the plan calls for phased construction, with the apartments comprising the first phase of development and the commercial space to follow.

The board’s chairman, Sheldon Hofstein, asked how the construction would impact the Switlik Elementary School, 75 West Veterans Highway, which is across from the proposed development sites.

Pape said the construction of the projects would take between one and two years and said the applicant would work with Jackson’s zoning office and police department to ensure a safe construction zone in the vicinity of the school.