Millstone officials revise road work contract

MILLSTONE – The Township Committee has approved an increase in a contract for improvements to township roads because of work that was performed on an additional road.

On March 6, committee members approved a $37,614 change order in a contract with Meco Inc. for Millstone Township’s 2018 road improvement project. The change order  increased the original $762,245 contract to $799,859, according to a resolution.

According to the resolution, the change order was approved as the result of improvements to Disbrow Hill Road being added to the project. Because Disbrow Hill Road borders Millstone and Monroe Township, Millstone officials entered into a shared services agreement with Monroe for the improvements in 2018.

In order to add Disbrow Hill Road to the project, Township Engineer Matt Shafai deleted improvements to Ely Harmony Road from the contract, according to the resolution.

Under the shared services agreement, Millstone paid for 65 percent of the improvements to Disbrow Hill Road and the remaining 35 percent of the costs were reimbursed by Monroe. According to the resolution, Monroe reimbursed Millstone $37,115.

In other business, the committee extended a contract with Central Jersey Waste and Recycling for the township’s 2019 curbside spring cleanup program. The contract, which was originally awarded in April 2018, will be extended for one year.

The contract with Central Jersey Waste and Recycling is $25,995, according to the resolution, and also has an $85 per ton disposal fee.

And, committee members awarded a $17,200 contract to Automatics Unlimited, Marlboro, for Americans with Disabilities Act door improvements to the municipal building and courthouse.