Company granted approval to use public right of way in Spotswood

SPOTSWOOD – The Spotswood Borough Council has approved a resolution authorizing public right of way use for Cross River Fiber LLC.

Cross River Fiber sought approval to place its telecommunication facilities aerially on existing utility poles or in an underground conduit in the public right of way in the borough for the purpose of owning, constructing, installing, operating, repairing and maintaining a telecommunications system, according to municipal officials.

Borough Administrator Dawn McDonald said, “The agreement with Cross River Fiber is defined as the ‘public right of way’ and means the space in, upon, above, along, across, over and through any public land, street or highway of the borough, including lands with public utility facilities …”

The company was approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to provide local exchange and inter-exchange telecommunications services throughout the state. State law requires Cross River Fiber to obtain the consent of the borough for the joint use of any existing utility poles, according to municipal officials.

Council members took the action on March 4.

McDonald said the schedule for when the company will install its system has not been determined. Cross River Fiber must obtain consent from public utility companies before proceeding with any work.

Any work to be done on a main road must be completed during off-peak hours. The company is required to set up a schedule with Police Chief Michael Zarro, according to municipal officials.

“If work is to be completed on main roads, residents will be notified via Nixle for potential traffic delays. The borough has stipulated that Cross River Fiber must perform work during non-peak hours and set their schedule with Chief Zarro,” McDonald said.