Recycling school fundraiser event returns next week

Hillsborough residents with unwanted electronics are encouraged to recycle them in an effort to help raise funds for the Woods Road Elementary School.

In a partnership between the Woods Road School Home Association (WRSHA) and Woods Road Elementary School, the school holds an Electronics Recycling Fundraiser event which is intended to help raise funds while helping the environment. The event annually ran from 2013 to 2015 and is returning next week.

People are encouraged to bring new or old, broken or working electronics to Woods Road Elementary School located at 401 South Woods Road on March 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Project Manager for the event, Billy Bender, said that the event helps locals get unwanted electronics off their hands while benefiting students and teachers.

“The idea is that people drive up to the school with whatever electronics they can fit in their car or truck, and then there are people there from the recycling company who take it out for them, hopefully, people make a donation, the recycling company takes it away and makes sure the environment isn’t being damaged, and then WRHSA has some money to do projects for the kids in the elementary school,” Bender said.

Bender explained that the donation money is designated to set up school assemblies, purchase new and/or enhance playground equipment and facilities and to help teachers put in requests for certain items in their classrooms.

For a suggested donation of $3-5, or whatever people feel is appropriate, is aimed to help keep harmful items out of landfills while helping to support programs at the school.

“We did it for three years, and every year it grew a lot,” he said. “It was amazing how many people would pull up and say, ‘Thank you so much for doing this. I had this stuff lying around, and I didn’t know what to do with it.’ It’s local. It helps the school. It helps the environment. It’s a win-win situation.”

Bender noted that people don’t even have to get out of their vehicles as there will be staff on-hand to unload items.  People can view the event information at

For event questions, people are encouraged to email Billy Bender at [email protected].