East Brunswick Library will celebrate New Jersey Makers Day

The East Brunswick Public Library will celebrate the annual New Jersey Makers Day with a full slate of special programs from March 18-23.

New Jersey Makers Day is a statewide event that explores the world of maker spaces and DIY culture, as well as the importance of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) related activities. The goal of the event is to showcase technology and creativity resources in the community.

To celebrate New Jersey Makers Day, the library has more than 30 different programs scheduled throughout the week. They range from a program explaining home landscape design with Rutgers Gardens Director Bruce Crawford at 7 p.m. on March 21 and a program on digital scrapbooking 6:30 p.m. on March 19.

The week-long program series ends on March 23 with a full day of children’s activities, including craft projects, an interactive drumming program with local musician Bonga, and even a special science program for children featuring Super Science.

All New Jersey Makers Day programs are free and open to the public, thanks to a generous sponsorship from the Friends of the East Brunswick Library.

For a complete schedule of New Jersey Makers Day programs at the library visit www.ebpl.org/maker.