Grandson of Israel’s first prime minister shares stories during Jewish National Fund breakfast

In a record-breaking show of support, nearly 400 people gathered on the morning of March 3 at Congregation B’nai Tikvah in North Brunswick for Jewish National Fund’s (JNF) annual Breakfast for Israel.

The event, which was the most successful and well-attended breakfast to date, was chaired by Alyson and Michael Chananie, Rachel Cohen, Dr. Beth and Jules Cohn, Anne and Adrian Kroll, Barbra and Bruce London, Allison and David Nagelberg, Phyllis Solomon, Drs. Naomi Vilko and Sidney Goldfarb, along with Congregation B’nai Tikvah clergy Rabbi Robert Wolkoff and Cantor Bruce Rockman.

Guests were treated to a keynote address by Alon Ben-Gurion, who shared personal stories about his grandfather, David Ben-Gurion, and his legacy for Israel.

“It was a privilege to share unheard stories about my grandfather, David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister and founding father,” Alon Ben-Gurion said in a statement provided by JNF. “These are personal stories about the family that few have heard.”

An acclaimed international hospitality consultant, Alon Ben-Gurion has managed the revenue and operations of hotels around the world, including as the general manager of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. He is using his network and hospitality know-how to actively promote the development of Israel’s Negev Desert, working to make the region bloom and realizing his grandfather’s dream, according to the statement.

“Today, JNF does far more than pushkes and trees. They work to invest in the development of the Negev and the Galilee. My grandfather believed the Negev was the cradle and future of Israel. He moved to Sde Boker in 1953, and seeing what has happened to that region since is amazing,” Alon said. “JNF is indeed fulfilling the dreams of David Ben-Gurion.”

Attendees also heard from JNF CEO Russell F. Robinson about the tremendous work being done by the organization on the ground in Israel and the vision he has for the future.

For more information or to become more involved in JNF’s projects and programs locally and in Israel, contact Anna Millstein at [email protected] or 973-593-0095, ext. 826.