Frank Wojciechowski

Cricket club program will begin next year in Edison schools

EDISON – It was excitement all around during the announcement that a cricket club program will begin next school year in Edison.

“We heard the voices from the community,” Board President Jerry Shi said at a school board meeting on March 20. “I’m so happy that we finally are able to put in a program and I hope to see some cricket played on our school grounds so some of our board members can throw the first pitch.”

Interim Schools Superintendent Paul Saxton said the sport of cricket is already imbedded in the district’s curriculum.

“We are talking about a team concept, a club concept,” he said. “It’s going to be held after school in the fall at both the high school and middle schools.”

Board Vice President Ralph Errico said he was also really happy to hear about the introduction of the new cricket club program.

“We are looking for volunteers from our parents and volunteers from the community to help with our staff members who will be our coaches in the program,” he said.