Lawrence resident receives Woman of Excellence Award

For Belinda Silver, the “a-ha” moment to adopt a sustainable lifestyle happened over lunch with a friend.

Her friend set the table with cloth napkins. It was not a special occasion, but cloth napkins – which are reusable – was just something that her friend used instead of throw-away paper napkins.

Silver was intrigued by the concept of cloth napkins, and promptly decided that she would do the same thing, too.

The Lawrence Township resident stopped using disposable paper napkins and paper towels, opting instead for cloth napkins and using old towels and bits of flannel clothing to use as cleaning cloths.

“Not only do you save money, but you have to think about the future. When you throw something in the trash, it doesn’t just go away. It goes somewhere (to a landfill),” she said.

For her efforts in adopting a sustainable lifestyle, Silver was honored with the Woman of Excellence Award by the Greater Eldridge Park Neighborhood Association (GEPNA) at a reception at Willis Greenhouse in Lawrenceville on March 29.

The Woman of Excellence ceremony is held in connection with International Women’s Day, which was celebrated on March 8. International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

Silver said she was surprised to receive the award from GEPNA. She said she did not know that it existed – and she certainly did not think that she would be considered for it.

“It is truly thoughtful. I don’t think I deserve the award, but I am thankful,” Silver said. It is not easy to practice a sustainable lifestyle, but “you do what you can do,” she said.

Freeholder Pat Colavita Jr. presented Silver with a proclamation on behalf of the Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders, acknowledging Silver as an “educator, advocate and leader for sustainable living.”

Colavita praised Silver as a woman of “unbelievable talent.” Silver teaches knitting and crocheting, and is also active at the Lawrence Nature Center on Drexel Avenue. She teaches at “family night” events at the nature center.

“I think that is what is beautiful about you. Not everyone can teach. Not everyone has the gift of being a teacher, but you do,” said Colavita, noting that he comes from a family of educators.

Teresita Bastides-Heron, president of GEPNA’s board of directors, presented Silver with a platter.

“Belinda is a ‘sustainable’ woman,” Bastides-Heron said.