Monmouth Civic Chorus to hold gala, auction May 11

Monmouth Civic Chorus is celebrating 70 years of success with its annual fundraiser, “That ‘70s Benefit: MCC’s 70th Birthday Bash,” on May 11 at 7 p.m. at the Navesink Country Club in Middletown.

The Navesink Country Club is located at 50 Luffburrow Lane.

Guests will enjoy a three-course dinner, cocktails at a cash bar, silent and chance auctions, and cabaret style entertainment by chorus members. 1970s fashion is encouraged – no denim – and for the more fashion-conscious, business casual attire is requested.

During the evening, guests will be regaled by small ensembles of chorus members who will perform music from the 1970s. Reservations are $100 per person. Seating is limited. Call 732-933-9333 or visit to make a reservations or find additional information.

Auction offerings in the past have included vacation weekends, original artworks, handmade jewelry and knitwear, gift certificates for local restaurants and nights on the town, gourmet food baskets, yoga and spa sessions, and more.

Bidders will have the opportunity to place their bid on silent auction items or purchase tickets for the chance auction throughout the evening. Businesses that would like to donate auction items are invited to call for details.