5 Tips To Kickoff Your Spring Cleaning With A Safe Start

With the winter weather gone in Central New Jersey and spring in full swing, now is the perfect time to start some spring cleaning and safeguarding your home. Check out these tips for prepping your home for warmer weather.

Check Your Smoke Detector Batteries


Many people get in the habit of checking or replacing their smoke detector batteries during daylight savings, but if you haven’t checked the batteries in awhile, add it to your “spring to-do” list.


When checking or replacing the batteries in your smoke detectors, this is also a great time to check your carbon monoxide detectors and discuss a fire escape plan with your family. Whether you already have a plan in place or need to create one, it’s always a good idea to revisit your plan and see if any changes need to be made.

Keep All Chemicals Out of Reach


It’s not uncommon to store gasoline and other hazardous chemicals in the garage during the winter months, but once the warmer weather hits you want to make sure that you have it stored in a safe place and out of the reach of children.


Garages and backyard sheds get more foot traffic in the warmer months, especially if your kids store their bikes or sporting equipment in the same space where you store gasoline and other chemicals like herbicides or paint thinner. Designate a safe space for hazardous materials and teach your kids to stay away.

Get Rid of Your Clutter


Clutter can accumulate year round, but more so during the winter months. Whether you’re inspired by Marie Kondo’s method or you just want to downsize, getting rid of clutter during the spring is not only cathartic but can also make your home safer.


Clutter can become a tripping hazard and even be a preferred haven for pests like insects or rodents. No one wants to come across the unwelcome surprise of an infestation. The general rule is that if you haven’t used or worn something in six months, toss or donate it.

Clean Your HVAC Filters


Many homeowners will have a deep cleaning session to get spring off to a good start, but HVAC filters are often overlooked. Depending on your HVAC system, you may be able to clean your filter, but some systems require a replacement.


Replacing your filter (and vacuuming around your furnace or air conditioner) will reduce allergens and dust in the house and help your HVAC system work more efficiently.

Get Ready to Grill


Who doesn’t love to kick off the warmer weather with a backyard BBQ? Whether you’re hosting a party or grilling for one, it’s important to clean your grill and check for any leaks or damage if you’re using propane.


Teach your kids to keep a safe distance from grills and firepits and always have an extinguisher close by if you need to put out a fire that’s out of control.

Use Common Sense this Spring


Once spring arrives, you might have a long to-do list of things you want to conquer from planting a garden to cleaning out the gutters. Don’t try to do everything at once and never try to cut corners when it comes to considering your safety. Common sense goes a long way when doing any house project, regardless if it’s inside or outdoors.